Recommended Links
Taekwon-do United Kingdom (T-UK): Click here for the website of our national association, which is led by Master John Archer (VII dan), Master Ian Ridley (VII dan), Mr James Miley (VI dan) and Mr David Condie (VI dan).
International Taekwon-do Federation (ITF): Click here for the original world-wide Taekwon-do organisation founded by General Choi Hong Hi in 1966.
Chester Taekwon-do on Social Media: Click here for our promotional Facebook page. If the link does not work, please search for @tukchester, or T-UK Chester Taekwon-do-do Club. We also have a Facebook members' group, which provides information relevant to our current members and friends.
Chester Taekwon-do is also on Instagram as 'tukchestertkd' / T-UK Chester Taekwon-do.
Other websites:
ITF Websites
ITF England - The ITF English national website.
ITF Europe - The website for the ITF Continental Federation in Europe.
TKD Kubz - The Taekwon-do Kubz website run by Master Mark Hutton (VIII Dan). This is the system that inspired our mini-Gladiators programme for our youngest members (4 - 7 years).
ITF Kids website - A website for young kids (under 8), their parents and instructors, doing ITF Taekwon-do.
Trident TKD - Our T-UK friends in Sale and Manchester, led my Mr James Miley (VI dan).
Vision TKD - The excellent website of one of our partner groups within ITF England, led by Master Lear (VII dan).
Technical/Historical Information and Reference Websites
TKD - A brilliant Taekwon-do online coaching website and resource, run by ITF Technical committee member, Master Paul McPhail VIII from New Zealand. Highly recommended!
Grandmaster Nardizzi's YouTube channel - Also highly recommended. This contains a series of excellent tutorial videos, explaining Taekwon-do techniques and the science behind them, as well as patterns and sparring lessons, in simple language, with very helpful tips and illustrations.
TKD Tekkers - Describes itself as a 'mobile dojang', this website features many instructional videos for patterns, technical details and workouts, etc.
TKD Blackbelt - If you want to purchase any of these outstanding ITF technical books, videos or software, get them from here (or through Mr Emm).
Lena TKD YouTube Channel - Although the 'talk' is in Russian, this channel has many excellent pattern and technical videos.
Blue Cottage Taekwon-do - A good website with historical and technical information on Taekwon-do.
Taekwon-do Encyclopedia (on Blue Cottage) - The full Encyclopedia of Taekwon-do, by General Choi Hong Hi.
Vision TKD Patterns Info - In depth detail about the pattern meanings, as well as all the patterns moves and diagrams.